Kaigai Blog living abroad in my twenties

【My Study Note】P5.play Library

JavaScript Programming



function setup() {
	new Sprite();

New Sprite

var box, circle;

function setup() {
	new Canvas(50, 200);
	world.gravity.y = 10;

	//             	( x,  y,  w,  h, collider)
	box = new Sprite(25, 70, 10, 90, 'static');
	// same as setting the values separately
	// box.x = 25;
	// box.y = 70;
	// box.width = 10;
	// box.height = 90;
	// box.collider = 'static';

	// 					 	     ( x,   y,  d, collider)
	circle = new Sprite(25, 140, 10, 'static');

function draw() {

Inside the Sprite constructor, new Sprite(), you can specify the sprite’s position, size, and collider type.

By default, if no inputs are given to the Sprite constructor, new sprites are positioned at the center of the canvas, with a width and height of 50 pixels, and a dynamic collider.

Create a Sprite

createSprite(x, y, width, height);
example: var mario = createSprite (200, 200, 50, 50);

Draw a Sprite

// Draw individually

Simply creating a campus will not cause it to appear on the canvas. We can either draw individually or draw them all at once with the drawSprites() function, which should be placed inside the draw() function.

Adding an image to the Sprite

var manImage;
var man;
function preload(){
  manImage = loadImage('images/man.png');
function setup(){
  createCanvas (400, 400);
  man = createSprite (200, 200, 50, 50);
  man.addImage (manImage);
function draw(){
  background(240, 255, 240);

Sprites should have at least one image and the image should be preloaded in the preload() function and then added to the sprite. Also, to be able to add the image to the sprite, we will need to store the sprite in a variable.

Multiple Images

We can make the movement of the characters by using the multiple images with using addAnimation() function instead of addImage().In addition, we also give the animation a label, as a sprite might have multiple animations.

var mario;
function preload(){
  mario = createSprite (200, 200, 50, 50);
  mario.addAnimation ("walk", 'folder/Walk (1).png', 'folder/Walk (2).png', 'folder/Walk (3).png', 'folder/Walk (4).png', 'folder/Walk (5).png', 'folder/Walk (6).png', 'folder/Walk (7).png', 'folder/Walk (8).png');
  mario.scale = 0.3;


// 画像の大きさを0.1倍にする。
santa.scale = 0.1

Movement in x and y

// x座標に2pxずつ進む。
santa.setVelocity(2, 0);

Manage the speed of the movement

car.speed = 2;

function keyPressed()

function keyPressed() {}

This function would be called every time when the key is pressed.


// Moving to the direction "0" with the speed "2"
santa.direction = 0;
santa.speed = 2;


If two people, vehicles, etc. collide, they crash into each other
// This would be happened when variable(sprite) "Mario" crash into variable(sprite) "food"
if (mario.collide(food)) {
    food = createSprite (random (0, width), random (0, height), random (10, 50), random (10, 50));
    mario.scale += 0.1;

This function prevents two sprite from oevrlapping.


if one thing overlaps another, or the two things overlap, part of one thing covers part of the other
if (mario.overlap(food)) {
    food = createSprite (random (0, width), random (0, height), random (10, 50), random (10, 50));
    mario.scale += 0.1;

collider: dynamic

Just the opposite of the “collider:static”.

Sprite Shapes


sprite_square = new Sprite();
sprite_square.width = 100;
sprite_square.height = 50;


sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.diameter = 100;
// Can be like this as well
sprite.d = 200;

Specify x,y,w,h individually

 sprite.x = 300;
sprite.y = 100;
sprite.w = 300;
sprite.y = 100;


sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.pos = {x:200, y:100};


// Specify the angle
sprite.rotation = 45;


sprite = new Sprite();
sprite.r = 200;

Specity the color

sprite.color = color(0,0,0);

Text with color and size

sprite.textColor = color(0, 255, 255);
sprite.text = "Hello";
sprite.textSize = 20;

Sprite Physics


// yの方角に10pxずつ重力として落ちていく
world.gravity.y = 10;
ball = new Sprite();
ball.diameter = 50;
ball.y = 30;

floor = new Sprite();
floor.collider = 'static';
floor.y = 190;
floor.w = 400;
floor.h = 5;

Slopped Floor

world.gravity.y = 10;
ball = new Sprite();
ball.diameter = 50;
ball.y = 30;

floor = new Sprite();
floor.collider = 'static';
floor.y = 190;
floor.w = 400;
floor.h = 5;
floor.rotation = 2;

Sprite Movement


if (mouse.presses()) {
	player.x = mouse.x;
	player.y = mouse.y;


if (mouse.presses()) {
	// (position, speed)
	player.moveTo(mouse, 8);


// This caused when Keyboard "left" was clicked
if (kb.presses('left')) {
	//    (distance, direction, speed)
	player.move(50, 'left', 3);


// In this case, the player moves towards the mouse by 10% of the distance to the mouse on every p5.js draw call.
Unchanged: player.moveTowards(mouse, 0.1);

Pixel Art

var smiley;

function setup() {
  new Canvas(500, 120);
  // y and b are actually creating the color difference and "." is creating the blank
  var str = `
  // You can also change the color
  var palette = {
	'y': color(255, 220, 60),
	'b': color(20)

  smiley = new Sprite();
  // 18 is a size of this art
  smiley.img = spriteArt(str, 18, palette);

function draw() {

Collides, Colliding, and Collided


if (player.collides(pillar)) {
  player.vel.y = -5;
  pillar.h -= 52;

On the first frame that a sprite collides with another sprite, the collides function returns true.


if (block.colliding(floor)) {
	block.color = 'red';
} else block.color = 'blue';

The colliding function returns the number of frames the collision has occurred for.


if (block.collided(floor)) {
  floor.collider = 'dynamic';

On the first frame after two sprites collided, the collided function returns true.



function setup() {
	new Canvas(200, 128);

	sprite1 = new Sprite(90, 50);
	sprite2 = new Sprite(115, 75);

function draw() {


sprite1.layer = 2;
sprite2.layer = 1;

By default sprites are drawn in the order they were created in. You can change the draw order by editing sprite’s .layer property. Sprites with the highest layer value get drawn first.

There’s also overlapping and overlapped. These goes same with “collide”


if (player.overlaps(coin)) coin.remove();


rotation (teleport)

if (kb.pressing('ArrowRight')) sprite.rotation = 90;
else sprite.rotation = 0;


sprite.rotationSpeed = 1;


This is the angle and the speed
if (kb.presses('left')) sprite.rotate(-45, 3);
if (kb.presses('right')) sprite.rotate(45, 3);


if (mouse.presses()) sprite.rotateTo(mouse, 0, 5);

Use the rotateTo function to rotate a sprite so that it faces a position, which can also be given in x,y coordinates. The optional parameter follwing the position is the angle at which the sprite should be facing the target position. The optional parameter at the end is the rotation speed.




Use the rotateTowards function to rotate a sprite towards a position. Has the same optional second parameter as the rotateTo function. The third optional parameter is the tracking speed, a percent of the distance the sprite moves on each frame to the target rotation angle, 0.1 (10%) by default.

Chain Colliders

There are three different chain modes: vertex, distance, and line.

vertex mode

let floor, ball;

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);
	world.gravity.y = 10;

	//                ([vertex0, vertex1, vertex2, ...])
	floor = new Sprite([[20, 60], [200, 140], [450, 180]]);
	floor.collider = 'static';

	ball = new Sprite(40, 0, 20);

function draw() {
	rect(floor.x - 2, floor.y - 2, 4, 4);

To use vertex mode, provide the Sprite constructor with an array of vertex arrays. Each vertex array should contain [x, y] coordinates. In these mini-examples the sprite’s (x, y) position is highlighted by a small black square.

distance mode

let ground, ball;

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);
	world.gravity.y = 10;

	//                 (x, y, [distance0, distance1, ...])
	ground = new Sprite(30, 90, [[20, 20], [60, -10], [50, 10]], 'static');

	ball = new Sprite(40, 0, 20);
function draw() {
	rect(ground.x - 2, ground.y - 2, 4, 4);

To use distance mode, provide the Sprite constructor an (x, y) position and an array of distance arrays. These arrays should contain [x, y] distances relative to the previous vertex. The (x, y) position will be the first vertex in the chain.

line mode

let shelf, orb;

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);
	world.gravity.y = 10;

	//                (x, y, [length0, angle0, length1, ...])
	shelf = new Sprite(250, 100, [50, 20, 50, -20, 50, -20], 'static');

	orb = new Sprite(200, 0, 20);
function draw() {
	rect(shelf.x - 2, shelf.y - 2, 4, 4);

To use line mode, provide the Sprite constructor an (x,y) position and a list of line lengths and angles. Each angle is relative to the previous line’s angle.

It’s best to use line mode for small and/or symmetrical chains.

Note that the line mode chain’s (x, y) position is located at half the chain’s width and half the chain’s height, which may not be a point on the chain.

Polygon Colliders


function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);

	//        ( x,  y, sideLength, polygonName)
	new Sprite(250, 100, 80, 'pentagon');
function draw() {

irregular polygon: vertex mode

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);

	new Sprite([[8, 8], [140, 192], [300, 90], [8, 8]]);

function draw() {

If the start and end of a chain is at the same point and the resulting shape is convex, it automatically becomes a polygon!

irregular polygon: distance mode

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);

	new Sprite(250, 100, [
		[100, 40],
		[-100, 40],
		[0, -80]

function draw() {

If you use distance mode to create a polygon it’s origin will be at the center instead of the start!

pentagon chain

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);

	//               (x, y, [length, angle, repeat])
	let s = new Sprite(250, 100, [80, -72, 5]);
	s.shape = 'chain';
function draw() {

You can force a convex polygon to be a chain by setting sprite.shape = ‘chain’

Regular polygons can be created from a list with the line length, angle, and repeat.

The formula for the angle of a regular polygon is 360 / n, where n is the number of sides. Make that angle negative to orient the polygon with one of its edges on top.


function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);

	//        ( x,  y, [l0, a0, l1, a1, repeat])
	new Sprite(250, 100, [60, -72, 60, 144, 5]);

function draw() {

p5.play logo

function setup() {
	new Canvas(500, 200);

	new Sprite(250, 100, [40, 74, 40, -74, 60, 50, 5]);

function draw() {

bounciness (Increase the bounciness)

ball.bounciness = 1;

mass (indicates how heavy the object is)

newBall.mass = 100;



